Tuesday 8 March 2016


New Beginnings

A simple blog!

As Dicken's inscribed in Tale of Two Cities: "It was the best of times. It was the worst of times!"

I am here to chart and describe my life as a Modernist living within the Working Class city of Manchester. A place which has effected by my life and a large chunk of my influences. I want to share this blog with you to highlight these interests of mine and hopefully show you what it means to be a "Modernist" in 2016 rather than 1966. 
It's more than just a way of life... 

Here on this blog I will review both new and old clothing which I acquire on a regular basis, rare or scare books which I have recently picked up too. Whether they be about art, design or photography you will be able to get a glimpse of my library as I build up my collection. Explain my thoughts on new and old music which I frequently listen too or view live at certain venues. Finally, I would like to discuss any new art based events I will attend both locally or abroad when I travel.
Plus, I might even drop some of my own photos which I have taken on my 35mm camera's which I am also very passionate about!   

So hopefully by now you have gotten a taste of my world... 



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